Our entirely volunteer effort allows 100% of your donation to go toward the hard costs of each Haitian Orchestra Institute.
This is my third participation [with HOI] since Jacmel. [It] was for me an extraordinary experience [in] the way we prepared the pieces with different wind teachers and also with my teacher Lee [Livengood] whom I love so much for his way of teaching and who makes me want to practice my instrument on a daily basis. This experience of knowing how to play in a quintet gives me the motivation to believe in myself that I can improve myself day by day and also learn from others. It shows how in a team, we can do extraordinary things. Black Well Dumerzil - Clarinet
The HOI is for us, Haitian musicians, a great opportunity. We played quartets, and it was so instructive to have different coaches from the Utah Symphony orchestra every day. I learnt about ensemble playing, listening to [the] other players, giving and receiving. It's only one week but it's so rich and I know we all are waiting for the next edition. Anne Lea Sejour - Violin
Haitian Orchestra Institute is a very important thing for my country. We believe in HOI and we love it. It gives us a lot of hope and courage that we can have a new Haiti in the future. Music changes our mentality, it teaches us to do things together, because when we play, we stay together, we stay in time, nobody can go faster or slower than the other and we help the one and the other. In Haiti the future of young people is not clear, but music gives us a lot of hope, we have the hope that our dreams will come true. Thanks to the music we can see clearer and farther than our eyes. We really like this program. Every year we look forward to the HOI. Getro Joseph - Cello
I really learned a lot at the August chamber seminar. I didn't know how to connect the sound [in a woodwind quintet], how to look each other, how to lead, and I was happy to work with a teacher like Lisa [Byrnes]. She's so kind. I learned so many things from her like good posture, flexibility, to get a good breath... During this week everything was so important and I really liked the teacher's performance too. Thank you so much. Elize Vilson - Flute
During this week, we were able to acquire various skills like pedagogy, performance, stage department, ensemble playing, listening to other players, communication, giving and receiving cues. We were so happy to receive all these teachings, the teachers were able to give everything they had. I thank you on behalf of the musicians who had the chance to participate and on behalf of those who did not have the chance to participate, since the work, the efforts made do not stop there, we will share all the ideas with our other brother and sister musicians. Thank you so much! Widdy John Moricette - Viola
Hello Haitian Orchestra Institute! We can make the world a better place through Music Education.View Hilary's Message